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The simple trick of distraction

Writer's picture: mac pmac p

If you didn't know already the elite us distraction and manipulation to control the masses and do to pretty much what they want and how they want you to think.

And for anyone still falling for it be it male or female just share this picture with them and show them how easy it is to fool them.

Even the simple fact you have came to this post shows how people can be drawn in. But thank you for coming here and please continue to do so. This was just a test to point out how easy it is to get somebodies attention and take it away from something else.

So think about the elite having nearly all the mainstream media, tv, radio, newspapers and magazines paper and online, news stations....

People think they don't fall for it but they do. Point this out nest time they say the media couldn't be in on it.

And if you didn't fall for it then well done.

And an extra point if you noticed the 3rd line mistake and nest instead of next.

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