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The meaning of conspiracy and how us nut jobs have been right many times

Writer's picture: mac pmac p

This is a post for all the people who think calling someone a “conspiracy theorists” is an insult or some sort of put down. The true meaning of the the term conspiracy is "a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful." So when you get called a nut job conspiracy theorist the it is actually pointing out you are able to "theorize" and work out and see through the secrets plan and plots. So wear the badge with pride. In recent years it's had a face lift to try and make it a bit more modern as the term “conspiracy theorist” doesn't hold any power these days. The new term is “FAKE NEWS”. Doing this just shows you have never done any research on the topic at hand and/or you are fully indoctrinated. This piece is brilliant and gives a list of of truths for you to research which where given the “conspiracy theorist” term treatment. But some you will have to go and research yourself as not all are covered in here. Now watch this and look how the cia turned the term “conspiracy theorist” into a weapon then when you have watched it research “operation mockingbird” For the next point I'll use a modern very recent story. Monsanto having to pay out $289million in damages. Us “conspiracy theorists” have been warning people about this company for years but we got laughed at. Now a few more things we got laughed at for but where true. Here is 10 about the U.S government but sane type of tactics are used everywhere. All explained for you in this article so no research needed for you. It angers from spying on everyone to mk ultra to the Dalai Lama being on the cia payroll the faked gulf of tonkin attacks to John lennon being watched by the fbi. Here is more you don't need to research because it's all in here. Some in this one have been in the others but I put it in for people from the UK as it has a huge part about the Hillsborough disaster. If your from the UK you will know all about this and know how much of a cover up it was. This was classed as a “conspiracy theory” at one point. And even though I don't like or trust Alex Jones here is 33 “conspiracy theories” that are truth. if the people who never research believe everything they are told have honestly been through everything here and still think believing in “conspiracy theories” is only for nut jobs and tin foil hat wears then unfortunately you do fall into the indoctrinated side. So before you comment on a post you think is “nuts, bs, fake news” and start trying to bring the person down think about this sentence. “this conspiracy nut has most probably put a lot of time into looking into this, maybe I should to before I open my mouth, they have been right so many times before” In other words do some research or ask the nut job a few questions about the subject before trying to belittle them because it is out of your comfort zone or beyond your closed mindset and goes against what you thought you knew. I for one don't share or post anything I have not looked into in depth and that I can't answer questions on when asked about it. Put your time you spend trying to degrade someone into doing a bit of research. You have the Internet at your finger tips. Use it. And don't just look at the 1st answer Google gives you as 99% of the time that is the fake propaganda that operation mockingbird is. Thanks for reading this far. And if this just opens the eyes of one person then the time spend putting it together and researching all of the above and more is worth it.


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