I was in a conversation with a few people on facebook about the dangers of facial recognition and the normal "if your not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about" Sentence has came up. I've replied with this. (This is reply to a friend who agrees on the dangers) it's all of them mate. That's what the 10 challenge was out and now this face app as you know. (This is to the one who doesn't) honestly mate it is very dangerous. It will come to a point where your face and a micro chip in you does all. That means for example if you speak out against government, talk to your partner about something they don't like, drop one piece of litter, even say one word that "might offend someone" in the privacy of your own home they could stop all your money when they turn the world cash free and to one digital currency or have the police come and arrest you. They are just small examples. All smart devices listen or monitor everything all ready. But add on top facial recognition and everytime you walk past anything with a camera (and cctv is turning up everywhere now) they will know exactly who you are, where you live, how much you have in your bank, how much your partner and kids have in they banks, the schools your kids go to, where you and your partner work, what size and style cloths you wear, what you look at online and TV, what you talk about in your home, when and how you have sex, where you go on holiday... the list is endless. You might think it's far fetched but it's a lot closer than you think. Already they know how we think from social media, know what we look like from it from tagging and the challenges I've mentioned and apps like snapchat, listen to use through phones, computers, smart speakers and smart TVs with voice command, smart devices map our homes, sat navs tell them where we have been and are going and how fast, All that data is stored, but luckily at the moment laws stop it being used, but they are changing them all slowly using "the war on terror" as one thing , community standards is censoring freedom of speech and laws are being changed around it, all false flag terror attacks has law changes follow it. There is a lot of truth in entertainment. As I said fast and furious, watchdogs, enemy of the state, minioty reports is coming being arrested for thinking. ----------------------------------------------- Since posting it a more things need adding to this topic and people need to see it for what it is. This was in 2013 so imagine how far it has gone now. Even the man you invented this level of face scanning says he's created a monster https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=702103270203600&id=296396197440978 https://youtu.be/mnfWZvU_Jqo
We the truth community have been saying this for the past few years to everyone Massive privacy concerns and they now own all your details and even know what you will look like in 50 years. As if the 10 year challenge was bad enough now this. Don't people learn when these big companies have been caught out many times already. Cambridge analytics ring any bells. https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkoetsier/2019/07/17/viral-app-faceapp-now-owns-access-to-more-than-150-million-peoples-faces-and-names/ https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/17/20697771/faceapp-privacy-concerns-ios-android-old-age-filter-russia
Here is a link to YouTube where I'm in the process of adding more and more videos to the playlist and as always I will update this story as I find more info to go in it.
Chuck Schumer wants FBI to investigate FaceApp's 'links to the Russian Government' amid privacy concerns after surge in smartphone users making themselves look older