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DNA storage and re writing of humanity, and what I think this convid bs is all about.

Writer's picture: mac pmac p

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

Please read this. I honestly believe I've worked it out. And what it is being done for.

It is a huge amount of information I'm not going to lie. And it will probably blow the minds of a lot of truthers, it definitely will blow the minds of the people not awake and to them I will sound like a complete lunatic. But that's ok.

I've been researching the lies since 1996 and finding out about this final connection today blew my mind and made the hairs on my arms stand up.

So please read it all. When you get to a link open it and read and watch everything with in each of them. As I've said this is a huge amount of information. So save this post because you will probably need to go back a few times to take it all in. With the videos and stuff in the links i won't lie it will take about 2-3 hours atleast to get through it all in full.

My suggestion now I'm thinking about how to approach this is read it and open the links like I said just to see what they are then come back to this and continue reading. Once you have done that then go back and watch the videos and go through the links in depth. It will make sense. (Hopefully)

So sit back, open your mind and buckle up. Here it comes.

This is it. This is the vaccine push. Create enough fear with a fake virus. Get most vaccinated with the messenger rna nanotechnology, then the dna stores it.

With 5g the stored nanotechnology theoretically can be programmed. We know it can be used to target individuals or groups because the military use this tech.

Possibly to control people with mind controlling Or create illness or instant death,

I wrote an article in august 2019. I've just gone back to read it so I could incorporate it in this article and realized that nearly everything I said was perfectly correct.

The only thing I didn't know when I wrote it was about dna storage technology. But now I've found out about it.

hopefully you have all read my previous article at this point. (The above link)

If not please go and read it and the final part of this article from here on will make a lot more sense.

Here is the dna storage information I came across

And Microsoft are 1 of the leading companies running this.

Now onto what the mRNA does

They say in this it's about making proteins for medical reasons. But if you have followed this article and read the links in order with you will know It is not about proteins.

This leads us on to why use the PCR test when it is not for diagnosis and it's been proven to give a minimum of a 97% false positive result for detecting live virus.

Viuses are actually not a real thing. They are the immune system removing toxins from your body through exosomes but that is another topic, well it's not but this is already an information overload article so all I'll say is I now personally think the body is reacting to toxins and nanotech and the exosomes are trying to get these nanotech particles and toxins out of the body and now that 5g is on the nanotech has became active.

Sorry back to the PCR test, why use it.

This is what the PCR is.

"Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique used to "amplify" small segments of DNA."

It's a DNA reading machine. That is all. So with dna storage, smart dust and other nanotechnology already in us I think they are using the PCR at such high cycles to read what is in the dna storage, they can see who's nanotech is active and working. This is what the asymptomatic bullshit is, your nanotech is active but not making you ill, they register everyone who has had a test (track and trace) they then know who can handle the nanotech, who can't, what types of genetics can handle it and so on and so on.

NOW add in the mRNA.

everyone who has been tested has their dna recorded and put in to the database and then track and trace can find anyone and target anyone at any given point through 5g.

And if you think I've lost plot by now wait for this........Add in elon musk's neuro link we have AI humans with the dna already wired up then just connect the brain.

Then all data, our medical records, our banking, everything we think and feel, if we are ill is all stored. I don't think I need to explain the dangers of that.

I've also just seen a headline saying the IMF what people credit scores connected to our search history. That alone is terrifying and the step to effecting how we interact with the internet. Us nasty conspiracy theorists would have no credit score. But Imagine you only had to think the wrong thing. And you money, medical treatment, access to shops and travel all stopped because you thought something the fact checkers disagreed with.

I hope this has all made sense. Its years of connecting dots and in my own head I feel like I have worked it out clearly. I thought I had it 2 years ago like I said early but I think I've got it now and i hope I've explained it here clearly enough for you all.

After I wrote this I have came across a video a friend made and it is nearly the same as this here but with some differnet And new details.

Video Credit to spacebusters bitchute channel

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