Follow the science they said.
The covid figures are huge they said
We are testing 200,000 people a day the said
But what they mean is the covid figures are about half at the least of what the have said.
Single tests counted twice and boosted figures, makes you wonder how much the figures have really been boosted if they are admitting this.
Very interesting in many ways this.
So they admit the science is wrong. Which is a bit of progress and maybe some mainstream believers will wake up and stop saying
"your just searching the internet and sharing YouTube videos, I trust the qualified scientists, the science is right though"
The science was wrong. Simple as that.
Maybe they will start to listen but I won't hold my breath.
They are hiding the science and the sage members to stop huge backlash because it's all lies.
But even this report makes a mistake to. Saying over 44,000 deaths when the official stats given by government is only 35,886.
And saying that the deaths are more than double the original model.
Erm nope. The original model said 500,000 deaths not 22,000.
The 2nd model said 20,000 then the 3rd said no more than 60,000.
Covid can't easily livebon surfaces.
Hydroxychloroquine works.
And another doctor telling the world what I've been telling everyone since January.
I may not have a medical degree but I know how to research and I've been been researching the truth for the past 24 years, I've learned a lot. I've learnt a lot of medical stuff in that time to from reading thousands of medical reports, studies, watching videos by highly qualified doctors and scientists, I've gone back and looked at everything I didn't pay to much attention to in school on biology.
What I share is not just "from YouTube" or "mad internet tin foil hat websites"
But as I said here is another doctor saying what I've said, saying what trump said and wht my other doctors and scientists have said.
But the mainstream have done everything the can to make this out to be a lie. Time to wake up.
Tuesday, 5/12/2020 -- A MUST WATCH:
Dr. Yvette Lezano... a medical doctor in Dallas, Texas... blows the lid completely off of the COVID-19 virus hoax.
Strongly Recommended Viewing
A platform that doesnt censorship anything other than porn and violence.
Professor cahill may be the hero of covid. Her qualifications are very very impressive.
Talks about crimes against humanity, genocide and treating covid.
She needs listening to.
Here is her professional bio
So if this is being tested and is it on the mainstream and trump is using it this certainly means they know it works and they will say this test was a success, now that truthers and real and honest doctors and scientists have been telling everyone for months.
But obviously they couldnt just come and say they have a cure because they wanted us scared and easier to control. Plus the elites wouldn't be able to push the untested vaccine to hard and they wouldn't make money from there dodgy meds on top of the vaccines.
Fauci and the medical world has known since 2005 that hydroxychloroquine works on sars viruses.
No one should of died with it.
So it's just a strong common cold type coronavirus then. 80% of people who have it won't know they have had it, out of the 20% left only them 20% of them will need hospital.
So out of 100 people who have it.
80 won't even know.
16 will have cold symptoms a few may need a day or 2 in bed.
4 will go to hospital and 3 of them will need only oxygen and a bit of looking after then can go home.
And 1 may pass away.
Now the worlds leading experts are arguing.
Well in other words none gates funded scientists are arguing with the gates funded ones..
Then there is this
Leaked by a german offical.
And this
So when are the who going to adjust the world death figures...
I'm guessing in about 18 months, 6 months after the vaccine as killed and damaged many people and the elite have made trillions of it.
And this
20% of the USA covid vaccine trials ended up in hospital within 12 hours of having the vaccine and then told to lie about it.
And this
The R number doesn't work in population.
It can only be ablied in a controlled environment.
Its explained in this. Also it explains how the uk R number of the dodgy model numbers was nearly at 1 before lock down and dropped below just after it.
Then it tells us the virus peaked in the UK and USA before lock downs
And this
Another one worth watching.
Freedom of information data from sage showing the "science" said do not do the lock down and that the government are being challenged in court now.
Judges trying to remove jury's from courts.
Contract tracing being used to identify people in the riots (doubt any antifa will be arrested though).
And much more. I'm only half way through it as I post this.
And this
I wonder how long before the fact checkers get on this.
Is everyone waking up to this yet.
This video is about America but will be basically the same everywhere.
Covid is not proven and all acts are illegal.
And here it is From a group of solicitors
The covid 19 act is null and void and illegal because the virus or disease has not been scientifically proven to even exist their for no act can be written for it.
More so any act of this many can only be 30 days long. And the nature of how the act has been pushed to become a law is worse than any act or law Hitler did.
I suggest every single person read this. And if you havent read it still believe the mainstream propaganda I suggest you don't even comment on this. Because the people who have read it and Been telling you this all along will seriously prove you wrong on anything you think you know about this hoax.