5G is coming and we will all be effected. Recently me and a friend have been having a public debate on Facebook with EE (a uk phone network) about the dangers of 5G, we have supplied a good few pieces of evidence including a video my friend recorded measuring radiation from 200yds away from a new 5g mast and it is well over the danger levels that the meter registers but the world health organisation according to EE claim it is all safe but won't share any safety reports or anything to back their claims up.
I've tried to add some images but it isn't allowing it. I will keep trying. And also keep adding to this post as time moves on.
Also last year a friend had to gas engineers wearing stab vests turn up at her home and tried to use a fake warrant to get in and put in a smart meter. Luckily I was minding her children at the time and I had researched them and the UK law about them and didn't let them in and told them the warrant was fraudulent. A lot of other things went on including the energy company phoning and threating her if she didn't get it fitted with th police and warrant officers but I took the call and again used the knowledge I had to make them stop. But it makes you wonder if I hadn't been there she would of let them do it due to not knowing the laws on it, so how many have fallen for these strong arm tactics. It's been being pushed for years.
We also must mention the dangers of everything on the smart grid from your washing machine to power stations being hacked and that 5g technology is a military grade and patented weapon. It's in the 1st link
A huge stand needs to be made by everyone.
Here is some of the things I have found in my research on 5G. It's not good. I have came across many many more reports nd evidence but I think these cover it all. Especially the 1st video.
The 5g apocalypse https://youtu.be/WBpZFqR6Qzk
Take back the power documentary. About all things bad with the smart network
A lot of information from local to me with many credible sources on the dangers of 5g and the smart grid
19 UK cities with 5g turned on and ones getting turned
Children's health around electromagnetism
Scientists, doctors and more professionals appeal about the dangers
Detailed reports on many health issues. https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/01/31/5g-technology-is-coming-linked-to-cancer-heart-disease-diabetes-alzheimers-and-death/
Here is a small part of what is in the last link, everything in the article has sources. "The following three lists present the symptoms, illness indicators, and diseases that are linked to microwave frequency exposure from cell towers, Wi-Fi transmitters, and other microwave generating devices. [8, 12, 16]
Symptoms of Damage: These are some of the common symptoms linked to microwave exposure.
Chronic headaches
Heart palpitations
High pitched ringing in the ears
Disturbed sleep at night
Sleepiness in daytime
Feelings of fear
Nervous tension
Mental depression
Memory impairment
Pain in muscles and joints
Pain in the region of the heart
Breathing difficulties
Yeast infections
Blood sugar swings
Bowel problems
Thyroid dysfunction
Weight abnormalities
Immune system weakness
Behavioral aberrations
Hidden Illness Indicators: These are some of the indicators of poor health resulting from prolonged microwave exposure. We are usually unaware of these threats to our health.
Inflammation (caused by excess histamine in the blood)
Oxidative stress
Autoimmune responses
Reduced blood flow to the region of the thalamus
Pathologic leakage of the blood-brain barrier
Myelin damage to the central nervous system
Hormone imbalance
Deficit in melatonin metabolic availability
DNA damage
Metabolic dysregulation
Diseases and Body System Failures: Some of the diseases and body system failures that result from multi-year microwave frequency radiation include:
Heart disease
Neurological dysfunction
Immune system suppression
Cataracts of the eyes
Sperm malformation
Hearing loss
Vision loss
Cognitive impairment
Depressive mental illness
Fetal abnormalities
The wireless networks admit no safety tests have been done. https://takebackyourpower.net/senate-hearing-wireless-industry-confesses-no-studies-showing-5g-safety/
This is one of 100s of debates with local councils I've came across, they all pretty much mirror each other. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/5g_rollout_what_safety_tests_hav
More in depth research on 5g
Search these online 5gappeal.eu bioinitiative.org ehtrust.org emfcall.org emfscientist.org mdsafetech.org orsaa.org phiremedical.org powerwatch.org.uk radiationresearch.org saferemr.com wirelessriskassessment.org
Dr peels 54 page pdf on the dangers
FCC chairman telling us of the dangers and more points.
Link to 5g and smart network dangers I've saved on YouTube.
Lloyds insurance refuse to insure against any 5g or Wi-Fi illness.
#5G Technology,
The Greatest Conspiracy of All Time! ... credits video: Be Inspired: youtube.com/channel/UCaKZDEMDdQc8t6GzFj1_TDw #Stop5G
⚠️ ... Research Stop5G.net ... Join: Fb.com/groups/Stop5G ... Support: Fb.me/Stop5G 🦜🦋🌳 Overwhelmed by #5G Horror? ... Outsmart Defeatism ... Go Beyond The Mass Conditioning! ... 53 #Stop5G Empower Tools To Fight Mass Injustice Against All Life On Earth! https://www.facebook.com/notes/stop5g/overwhelmed-by-the-5g-horror-study-53-empower-stop5g-tools/646078009160691/
⚠️ ... 5G Truth Battle! ... NYT vs RT ... Corporate MSM vs Alternative Media! https://www.facebook.com/Stop5G/videos/453828512043349/ #5G Health Concerns Exist! ... NYT & WSJ blames RT ... Global Resistance Against 5G is Growing! https://www.facebook.com/Stop5G/videos/268178353981248/
⚠️ ... New York Times 5G Ties Uncovered! https://www.facebook.com/Stop5G/videos/870143740017878/ ... 🦜🦋🌳
⚠️ Exposing The #PsychoTechnocrats . Topics Related to #Stop5G amongst others are (overview): . 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 4G LTE, 5G, 6G, Anything Wireless, WiFi, Smartmeters, WiGig, mmWave, GeoEngineering: Chemtrails Ionizing The Skies & Saturating Our Bodies With Metallic Particles Affected by Microwaves!, HAARP & EISCAT, Behaviour Modification Programs (Mind Control), UN Agenda 21, #Agenda2020, #Agenda2030, Deep Mind A.I., Dark Side of Surveillance Society, Smartdust, Nano-Tech, Internet of Things #IoT, DEW, T.I., Robotics, Drones, Autonomous Cars, New Smartphones, Big Tech Companies, Wireless Industry, Big Telecom Industry, NWO Depopulation Agenda, Transhumansim, #EHS, Health Risks, EMFs. RF, Microwave Sickness, FCC corruption, FDA corruption, CDC corruption, PsychoTechnocrats etc. . That is why we have "#Stop5G Related Info:" posts! . #JohnKuhles Founder #Stop5G Fb Group, Page & Stop5G.net 🦜🦋🌳 .
This YouTube video link is one of the best summaries I ever heard in just 5 minutes of a complex issue/topic like 5G, see for yourself: https://youtu.be/q2kfFC9CKvM You can also click on hashtag: #ICNIRPcorruption and study all Fb Posts dealing with that topic (y)
US navy research proving 5g is dangerous.
The damage 1 small lamppost antenna does to a close three
Updated 27/07/2020
5g and the dangers
![Image 1][]5g dangers
The agenda becomes clear
[Image 1]: